export_caero_mesh Module

  • export_caero_mesh(model, caero_bdf_filename=’caero.bdf’, is_subpanel_model=True)

pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.export_caero_mesh._get_subpanel_property(model: BDF, caero_id: int, eid: int, pid_method: str = 'aesurf') int[source]

gets the property id for the subpanel

pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.export_caero_mesh._write_aesurf_properties(model: BDF, bdf_file)[source]
pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.export_caero_mesh._write_dmi(model: BDF, aero_eid_map: dict[int, int]) tuple[int, str, str][source]
pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.export_caero_mesh._write_subcases_loads(model: BDF, aero_eid_map: dict[int, int], is_subpanel_model: bool) tuple[str, str][source]
pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.export_caero_mesh._write_subpanel_strips(bdf_file, model, caero_eid, points, elements)[source]

writes the strips for the subpanels

pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.export_caero_mesh.export_caero_mesh(model: BDF, caero_bdf_filename: str = 'caero.bdf', is_subpanel_model: bool = True, pid_method: str = 'aesurf', write_panel_xyz: bool = True) None[source]

Write the CAERO cards as CQUAD4s that can be visualized

model: BDF

a valid geometry


the file to write

is_subpanel_modelbool; default=True

True : write the subpanels as CQUAD4s False : write the macro elements as CQUAD4s

pid_methodstr; default=’aesurf’
‘aesurf’write the referenced AESURF as the property ID

main structure will be pid=1

‘caero’ : write the CAERO1 as the property id ‘paero’ : write the PAERO1 as the property id

write_panel_xyzbool; default=True

write the following table… $$ CAEROID EID XLE YLE ZLE CHORD SPAN XLE+C/4 $$ 1 1 0.0000 0.2500 0.0000 0.0988 0.5000 0.0247 $$ 1 2 0.0988 0.2500 0.0000 0.0988 0.5000 0.1234