Source code for

# pylint: disable=R0902,R0904,R0914,C0103,C1801,R0913
All coordinate cards are defined in this file.  This includes:


{ug} = [Tgb]{ub}
{ub} = [Tbg]{ug}

from __future__ import annotations
import copy
from math import sqrt, degrees, radians, atan2, acos, sin, cos
#from abc import abstractproperty, abstractmethod
from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm  # type: ignore

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from pyNastran.nptyping_interface import NDArray3float
    from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF
    from typing import Optional
from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_8 import set_blank_if_default
from import BaseCard
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.assign_type import (
    integer, integer_or_blank, double_or_blank, string_or_blank, integer_or_string)
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_8 import print_card_8
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_16 import print_card_16
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_double import print_card_double

from pyNastran.femutils.coord_transforms import (
    xyz_to_rtz_array, xyz_to_rtp_array, # xyz to xxx transforms
    rtz_to_xyz_array, rtp_to_xyz_array, # xxx to xyz transforms
    #rtz_to_rtp_array, rtp_to_rtz_array, # rtp/rtz and rtz/rtp transforms

[docs] def global_to_basic_rectangular(coord, unused_xyz_global, dtype='float64'): coord_transform = coord.local_to_global return coord_transform
#transform = array([ex, ey, ez], dtype=dtype) #return transform
[docs] def _primary_axes(coord): """gets the i,j,k axes from the ???""" ## TODO: not sure...needs testing coord_transform = coord.beta() ex = coord_transform[0, :] ey = coord_transform[1, :] ez = coord_transform[2, :] return ex, ey, ez
[docs] def global_to_basic_cylindrical(coord, xyz_global, dtype='float64'): ex, ey, ez = _primary_axes(coord) rtz = coord.transform_node_to_global(xyz_global) r1_rad = radians(rtz[1]) er = ex * cos(r1_rad) + ey * sin(r1_rad) et = ey * cos(r1_rad) - ex * sin(r1_rad) transform = np.array([er, et, ez], dtype=dtype) return transform
[docs] def global_to_basic_spherical(coord, xyz_global, dtype='float64'): ex, ey, ez = _primary_axes(coord) rtp = coord.transform_node_to_global(xyz_global) theta = radians(rtp[1]) phi = radians(rtp[2]) sint = sin(theta) cost = cos(theta) sinp = sin(phi) cosp = cos(phi) er = ex * sint * cosp + \ ey * sint * sinp + \ ez * cost et = ex * cost * cosp + \ ey * cost * sinp - \ ez * sint ep = -ex * sinp + ey * cosp transform = np.array([er, et, ep], dtype=dtype) return transform
[docs] def normalize(v): r""" Normalizes v into a unit vector. Parameters ---------- v : (3, ) float ndarray the vector to normalize Returns ------- vn : (3, ) float ndarray normalized v .. math:: v_{norm} = \frac{v}{\lvert v \lvert} """ norm_v = norm(v) if not norm_v > 0.: raise RuntimeError('v=%s norm(v)=%s' % (v, norm_v)) return v / norm_v
[docs] class Coord(BaseCard): type = 'COORD' def __init__(self): """Defines a general CORDxx object""" #: have all the transformation matricies been determined self.is_resolved = False self.cid = None self.e1 = None self.e2 = None self.e3 = None self.i = None self.j = None self.k = None self.origin = None self.rid_trace = []
[docs] def Cid(self): """Gets the coordinate ID""" return self.cid
[docs] def setup_global_cord2x(self): """Sets up a global CORD2R, CORD2S, CORD2C""" #if self.Cid() == 0: #self.origin = np.array([0., 0., 0.], dtype='float64') #return #self.i = np.array([1., 0., 0.], dtype='float64') #self.j = np.array([0., 1., 0.], dtype='float64') #self.k = np.array([0., 0., 1.], dtype='float64') self.origin = copy.deepcopy(self.e1) e1 = self.e1 e2 = self.e2 e3 = self.e3 try: # e_{13} e13 = e3 - e1 # e_{12} e12 = e2 - e1 #print("e13 = %s" % e13) #print("e12 = %s" % e12) except TypeError: msg = '' msg += "\ntype = %s\n" % (self.type) msg += "\ncid = %s\n" % (self.Cid()) msg += "e1 = %s\n" % str(e1) msg += "e2 = %s\n" % str(e2) msg += "e3 = %s\n" % str(e3) raise TypeError(msg) try: #: k = (G3 cross G1) normalized self.k = normalize(e12) except RuntimeError: print("---InvalidUnitVectorError---") print("Cp = %s" % (self.Cid())) print("e1 = %s" % (self.e1)) print("e2 = %s" % (self.e2)) print("e3 = %s" % (self.e3)) print("e1* = %s" % (e1)) print("e2* = %s" % (e2)) print("e3* = %s" % (e3)) print("e13 = %s" % (e13)) print("e12 = %s" % (e12)) print("k = normalize(e12)") raise try: # j = (k cross e13) normalized self.j = normalize(np.cross(self.k, e13)) except RuntimeError: print("---InvalidUnitVectorError---") print("Cp = %s" % (self.Cid())) print("e1 = %s" % (self.e1)) print("e2 = %s" % (self.e2)) print("e3 = %s" % (self.e3)) print("e1* = %s" % (e1)) print("e2* = %s" % (e2)) print("e3* = %s" % (e3)) print("e13 = %s" % (e13)) print("e12 = %s" % (e12)) print("k = norm(e12)") print("k = %s\n" % (self.k)) print("j* = cross(k, e13)") print("j* = %s" % (np.cross(self.k, e13))) print("j = norm(cross(k, e13))\n") raise try: #: i = j cross k self.i = np.cross(self.j, self.k) except RuntimeError: print("---InvalidUnitVectorError---") print("Cp = %s" % (self.Cid())) print("Rid = %s" % (self.Rid())) print("e1 = %s" % (self.e1)) print("e2 = %s" % (self.e2)) print("e3 = %s" % (self.e3)) print("e13 = %s" % (e13)) print("e12 = %s" % (e12)) print("k = normalize(e12)") print("k = %s\n" % (self.k)) print("j = norm(cross(k,e13))") print("j = %s" % (self.j)) raise
#print('done setting up cid=%s rid=%s' % (self.cid, self.Rid()))
[docs] def setup(self): r""" .. math:: e_{13} = e_3 - e_1 .. math:: e_{12} = e_2 - e_1 .. math:: k = \frac{e_{12}}{\lvert e_{12} \rvert} .. math:: j_{dir} = k \times e_{13} .. math:: j = \frac{j_{dir}}{\lvert j_{dir} \rvert} .. math:: i = j \times k """ #if self.is_resolved: #return try: assert len(self.e1) == 3, self.e1 assert len(self.e2) == 3, self.e2 assert len(self.e3) == 3, self.e3 except AssertionError: msg = 'Invalid Vector Length\n' msg += "type = %s\n" % (self.type) msg += "cid = %s\n" % (self.cid) msg += "e1 = %s\n" % str(self.e1) msg += "e2 = %s\n" % str(self.e2) msg += "e3 = %s\n" % str(self.e3) raise RuntimeError(msg) if self.cid == 0: self.origin = np.array([0., 0., 0.], dtype='float64') self.i = np.array([1., 0., 0.], dtype='float64') self.j = np.array([0., 1., 0.], dtype='float64') self.k = np.array([0., 0., 1.], dtype='float64') return #print('setting up cid=%s rid=%s' % (self.cid, self.Rid())) rid = self.Rid() if not self.is_resolved and self.type in ['CORD2R', 'CORD2C', 'CORD2S']: rid_ref = self.rid_ref rid_ref.setup() self.rid_trace = copy.deepcopy(rid_ref.rid_trace) if rid not in self.rid_trace: self.rid_trace.append(rid) if self.cid in self.rid_trace: msg = 'Circular Reference: cid=%s rid_trace=%s' % (self.cid, self.rid_trace) raise RuntimeError(msg) if rid == 0: self.origin = copy.deepcopy(self.e1) e1 = self.e1 e2 = self.e2 e3 = self.e3 else: rid_ref = self.rid_ref self.origin = rid_ref.transform_node_to_global(self.e1) e1 = self.origin e2 = rid_ref.transform_node_to_global(self.e2) e3 = rid_ref.transform_node_to_global(self.e3) #print(f'cid={self.cid} rid={rid}') #print(f' self.e1={self.e1}') #print(f' self.e2={self.e2}') #print(f' self.e3={self.e3}') #print(f' e1={e1}') #print(f' e2={e2}') #print(f' e3={e3}') try: # e_{13} e13 = e3 - e1 # e_{12} e12 = e2 - e1 #print("e13 = %s" % e13) #print("e12 = %s" % e12) except TypeError: msg = '' msg += "\ntype = %s\n" % (self.type) msg += "\ncid = %s\n" % (self.cid) msg += "e1 = %s\n" % str(e1) msg += "e2 = %s\n" % str(e2) msg += "e3 = %s\n" % str(e3) raise TypeError(msg) try: #: k = (G3 cross G1) normalized self.k = normalize(e12) except RuntimeError: print("---InvalidUnitVectorError---") print("Cp = %s" % (self.cid)) print("e1 = %s" % (self.e1)) print("e2 = %s" % (self.e2)) print("e3 = %s" % (self.e3)) print("e1* = %s" % (e1)) print("e2* = %s" % (e2)) print("e3* = %s" % (e3)) print("e13 = %s" % (e13)) print("e12 = %s" % (e12)) print("k = normalize(e12)") raise try: # j = (k cross e13) normalized self.j = normalize(np.cross(self.k, e13)) except RuntimeError: print("---InvalidUnitVectorError---") print("Cp = %s" % (self.cid)) print("e1 = %s" % (self.e1)) print("e2 = %s" % (self.e2)) print("e3 = %s" % (self.e3)) print("e1* = %s" % (e1)) print("e2* = %s" % (e2)) print("e3* = %s" % (e3)) print("e13 = %s" % (e13)) print("e12 = %s" % (e12)) print("k = norm(e12)") print("k = %s\n" % (self.k)) print("j* = cross(k, e13)") print("j* = %s" % (np.cross(self.k, e13))) print("j = norm(cross(k, e13))\n") raise try: #: i = j cross k self.i = np.cross(self.j, self.k) except RuntimeError: print("---InvalidUnitVectorError---") print("Cp = %s" % (self.cid)) print("Rid = %s" % (self.Rid())) print("e1 = %s" % (self.e1)) print("e2 = %s" % (self.e2)) print("e3 = %s" % (self.e3)) print("e13 = %s" % (e13)) print("e12 = %s" % (e12)) print("k = normalize(e12)") print("k = %s\n" % (self.k)) print("j = norm(cross(k,e13))") print("j = %s" % (self.j)) raise #if 0: #print("\nCid = %s" % (self.Cid())) #print("Rid = %s" % (self.Rid())) #print("e1 = %s" % (self.e1)) #print("e2 = %s" % (self.e2)) #print("e3 = %s" % (self.e3)) #print("e1* = [%g, %g, %g]" % tuple(e1)) #print("e2* = [%g, %g, %g]" % tuple(e2)) #print("e3* = [%g, %g, %g]" % tuple(e3)) #print('-----') #print("e13 = %s" % (e13)) #print("e12 = %s" % (e12)) #print('-----') #print("i = %s len=%s" % (str(self.i), norm(self.i))) #print("j = %s len=%s" % (str(self.j), norm(self.j))) #print("k = %s len=%s\n" % (str(self.k), norm(self.k))) #print('-----') #print('done setting up cid=%s rid=%s' % (self.cid, self.Rid())) #print('cid=%s rid_trace=%s' % (self.cid, self.rid_trace)) assert self.cid not in self.rid_trace, 'cid=%s rid_trace=%s' % (self.cid, self.rid_trace)
[docs] def setup_no_xref(self, model: BDF): r""" .. math:: e_{13} = e_3 - e_1 .. math:: e_{12} = e_2 - e_1 .. math:: k = \frac{e_{12}}{\lvert e_{12} \rvert} .. math:: j_{dir} = k \times e_{13} .. math:: j = \frac{j_{dir}}{\lvert j_{dir} \rvert} .. math:: i = j \times k """ assert isinstance(self.rid, integer_types), self.rid if self.is_resolved: return try: assert len(self.e1) == 3, self.e1 assert len(self.e2) == 3, self.e2 assert len(self.e3) == 3, self.e3 except AssertionError: msg = 'Invalid Vector Length\n' msg += "type = %s\n" % (self.type) msg += "cid = %s\n" % (self.Cid()) msg += "e1 = %s\n" % str(self.e1) msg += "e2 = %s\n" % str(self.e2) msg += "e3 = %s\n" % str(self.e3) raise RuntimeError(msg) if self.cid == 0: self.origin = np.array([0., 0., 0.], dtype='float64') self.i = np.array([1., 0., 0.], dtype='float64') self.j = np.array([0., 1., 0.], dtype='float64') self.k = np.array([0., 0., 1.], dtype='float64') return #print('setting up cid=%s rid=%s' % (self.cid, self.Rid())) rid = self.rid if not self.is_resolved and self.type in ['CORD2R', 'CORD2C', 'CORD2S']: rid_ref = model.Coord(self.rid) rid_ref.setup_no_xref(model) self.rid_trace = copy.deepcopy(rid_ref.rid_trace) if rid not in self.rid_trace: self.rid_trace.append(rid) if self.cid in self.rid_trace: msg = 'Circular Reference: cid=%s rid_trace=%s' % (self.cid, self.rid_trace) raise RuntimeError(msg) if rid == 0: self.origin = copy.deepcopy(self.e1) e1 = self.e1 e2 = self.e2 e3 = self.e3 else: rid_ref = model.Coord(self.rid) self.origin = rid_ref.transform_node_to_global_no_xref(self.e1, model) e1 = self.origin e2 = rid_ref.transform_node_to_global_no_xref(self.e2, model) e3 = rid_ref.transform_node_to_global_no_xref(self.e3, model) try: # e_{13} e13 = e3 - e1 # e_{12} e12 = e2 - e1 #print("e13 = %s" % e13) #print("e12 = %s" % e12) except TypeError: msg = '' msg += "\ntype = %s\n" % (self.type) msg += "\ncid = %s\n" % (self.Cid()) msg += "e1 = %s\n" % str(e1) msg += "e2 = %s\n" % str(e2) msg += "e3 = %s\n" % str(e3) raise TypeError(msg) try: #: k = (G3 cross G1) normalized self.k = normalize(e12) except RuntimeError: print("---InvalidUnitVectorError---") print("Cp = %s" % (self.Cid())) print("e1 = %s" % (self.e1)) print("e2 = %s" % (self.e2)) print("e3 = %s" % (self.e3)) print("e1* = %s" % (e1)) print("e2* = %s" % (e2)) print("e3* = %s" % (e3)) print("e13 = %s" % (e13)) print("e12 = %s" % (e12)) print("k = normalize(e12)") raise try: # j = (k cross e13) normalized self.j = normalize(np.cross(self.k, e13)) except RuntimeError: print("---InvalidUnitVectorError---") print("Cp = %s" % (self.Cid())) print("e1 = %s" % (self.e1)) print("e2 = %s" % (self.e2)) print("e3 = %s" % (self.e3)) print("e1* = %s" % (e1)) print("e2* = %s" % (e2)) print("e3* = %s" % (e3)) print("e13 = %s" % (e13)) print("e12 = %s" % (e12)) print("k = norm(e12)") print("k = %s\n" % (self.k)) print("j* = cross(k, e13)") print("j* = %s" % (np.cross(self.k, e13))) print("j = norm(cross(k, e13))\n") raise try: #: i = j cross k self.i = np.cross(self.j, self.k) except RuntimeError: print("---InvalidUnitVectorError---") print("Cp = %s" % (self.Cid())) print("Rid = %s" % (self.Rid())) print("e1 = %s" % (self.e1)) print("e2 = %s" % (self.e2)) print("e3 = %s" % (self.e3)) print("e13 = %s" % (e13)) print("e12 = %s" % (e12)) print("k = normalize(e12)") print("k = %s\n" % (self.k)) print("j = norm(cross(k,e13))") print("j = %s" % (self.j)) raise assert self.cid not in self.rid_trace, 'cid=%s rid_trace=%s' % (self.cid, self.rid_trace)
#def transform_force_to_global(self, F, M): #raise NotImplementedError('transform_force_to_global') #Fg = self.transform_vector_to_global(self, F) #Mg = self.transform_vector_to_global(self, M) #r = self.origin # maybe a minus sign? #Mdelta = cross(r, Fg) #return Fg, Mg + Mdelta def transform_vector_to_global_assuming_rectangular(self, p): """ Transforms a vector to the global frame The CBAR/CBEAM y/z vectors use this. Parameters ---------- p : (1,3) float ndarray the point in the local frame to be transformed Returns ------- p : (1, 3) float ndarray the vector in the global frame """ if self.cid == 0: return p self.resolve() if self.i is None: msg = "Local unit vectors haven't been set.\nType=%r cid=%s rid=%s" % ( self.type, self.cid, self.rid) raise RuntimeError(msg) matrix = np.vstack([self.i, self.j, self.k]) # rotate point p2 from the local frame to the global frame p3 = p @ matrix return p3
[docs] def resolve(self): if not self.is_resolved: #if self.rid_ref is None and self.rid != 0: #msg = "BDF has not been cross referenced; rid=%s rid_ref:\n%s" % ( #self.rid, self.rid_ref, #) #raise RuntimeError(msg) if self.type in ['CORD2R', 'CORD2C', 'CORD2S']: self.rid_ref.setup() else: self.setup()
def transform_vector_to_global_no_xref(self, p, model: BDF): if self.cid == 0: return p #if not self.is_resolved: #if isinstance(self.rid, integer_types) and self.rid != 0: #raise RuntimeError("BDF has not been cross referenced.") #if self.type in ['CORD2R', 'CORD2C', 'CORD2S']: #self.rid_ref.setup() #else: self.setup_no_xref(model) # the ijk axes arent resolved as R-theta-z, only points p2 = self.coord_to_xyz(p) if self.i is None: msg = "Local unit vectors haven't been set.\nType=%r cid=%s rid=%s" % ( self.type, self.cid, self.rid) raise RuntimeError(msg) matrix = np.vstack([self.i, self.j, self.k]) # rotate point p2 from the local frame to the global frame p3 = p2 @ matrix return p3 def transform_vector_to_global(self, p): """ Transforms a generalized vector from the local frame to the global frame. A generalized vector is unchanged when you shift it's point of application. So: - Generalized Vectors (Force, Moment about the origin) - Not Generalized Vectors (node xyz, displacement, Moment) Parameters ---------- p : (1,3) ndarray the vector in the local frame Returns ------- p3 : (1,3) ndarray the vector in the global frame Notes ----- Shifting the load application point of a force creates a moment, but the force will be the same. """ if self.cid == 0: return p if not self.is_resolved: if self.type != 'ACOORD' and self.rid_ref is None and self.rid != 0: raise RuntimeError("BDF has not been cross referenced.") if self.type in ['CORD2R', 'CORD2C', 'CORD2S']: self.rid_ref.setup() else: self.setup() # the ijk axes arent resolved as R-theta-z, only points p2 = self.coord_to_xyz(p) if self.i is None: msg = "Local unit vectors haven't been set.\nType=%r cid=%s rid=%s" % ( self.type, self.cid, self.rid) raise RuntimeError(msg) matrix = np.vstack([self.i, self.j, self.k]) # rotate point p2 from the local frame to the global frame p3 = p2 @ matrix return p3 def transform_vector_to_global_array(self, p): """ Transforms a generalized vector from the local frame to the global frame. """ if self.cid == 0: return p self.resolve() # the ijk axes arent resolved as R-theta-z, only points p2 = self.coord_to_xyz_array(p) if self.i is None: msg = "Local unit vectors haven't been set.\nType=%r cid=%s rid=%s" % ( self.type, self.cid, self.rid) raise RuntimeError(msg) matrix = np.vstack([self.i, self.j, self.k]) # rotate point p2 from the local frame to the global frame p3 = p2 @ matrix return p3 def transform_node_to_global(self, xyz: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: r""" Transforms a point from the local coordinate system to the reference coordinate frames "global" coordinate system. .. math:: [p_{global}]_{1\times 3} = [p_{local}]_{1\times 3}[\beta_{ij}]_{3\times 3} + [p_{origin}] where :math:`[\beta]_{ij}` is the transformation matrix .. math:: [\beta]_{ij} = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} g_x \cdot i & g_x \cdot j & g_x \cdot k \\ g_y \cdot i & g_y \cdot j & g_y \cdot k \\ g_z \cdot i & g_z \cdot j & g_z \cdot k \end{array} \right] * :math:`g` is the global directional vector (e.g. :math:`g_x = [1,0,0]`) * :math:`ijk` is the math:`i^{th}` direction in the local coordinate system Parameters ---------- xyz : (1,3) float ndarray the point in the local frame to be transformed Returns ------- xyz_global : (1,3) float ndarray the point in the global frame .. warning:: make sure you cross-reference before calling this .. warning:: you probably shouldn't call this, call the Node methods get_position and get_position_wrt """ if self.cid == 0: return xyz return self.transform_vector_to_global(xyz) + self.origin def transform_node_to_global_no_xref(self, xyz, model: BDF): if self.cid == 0: return xyz return self.transform_vector_to_global_no_xref(xyz, model) + self.origin def transform_node_to_global_assuming_rectangular(self, xyz): """ Gets the point in a coordinate system that has unit vectors in the referenced coordinate system, but is not transformed from a cylindrical/spherical system. This is used by cards like CBAR/CBEAM for element offset vectors. Parameters ---------- xyz : (1,3) float ndarray the point in the local frame to be transformed Returns ------- xyz : (1, 3) float ndarray the position of the GRID in the alternate coordinate system """ if self.cid == 0: return xyz return self.transform_vector_to_global_assuming_rectangular(xyz) #+ self.origin def _transform_node_to_global_array(self, xyz): if self.cid == 0: return xyz return self.transform_vector_to_global_array(xyz) + self.origin def _transform_node_to_local(self, xyz, beta): """ Parameters ---------- xyz : (1,3) ndarray the point in the global frame Returns ------- xyz_local : (1,3) ndarray the point in the local frame """ if self.origin is None: raise RuntimeError('Origin=%s; Cid=%s Rid=%s' % (self.origin, self.cid, self.Rid())) xyz_coord = (xyz - self.origin) @ beta.T xyz_local = self.xyz_to_coord(xyz_coord) return xyz_local def _transform_node_to_local_array(self, xyz, beta): """ Parameters ---------- xyz : (n,3) ndarray the points in the global frame Returns ------- xyz_local : (1,3) ndarray the point in the local frame """ if self.origin is None: raise RuntimeError('Origin=%s; Cid=%s Rid=%s' % (self.origin, self.cid, self.Rid())) xyz_coord = (xyz - self.origin) @ beta.T xyz_local = self.xyz_to_coord_array(xyz_coord) return xyz_local def transform_node_to_local(self, xyz: NDArray3float): r""" Transforms the global point p to the local coordinate system Parameters ---------- xyz : (1,3) ndarray the point to transform Notes ----- Uses the matrix as there is no linking from a global coordinate system to the local. The matrix that comes in is the local to global, so we need to invert the matrix. The inverse of the transformation matrix :math:`[\beta]` is the transpose of the matrix. .. math:: p_{global} = (p_{coord})[\beta] + p_{origin} .. math:: [\beta]^{-1} = [\beta]^T .. math:: p_{coord} = (p_{global} -p_{origin}) [\beta]^T .. math:: p_{local} = transform(p_{coord}) Where transform(x) depends on the rectangular, cylindrical, or spherical coordinate system """ beta = self.beta() return self._transform_node_to_local(xyz, beta) def transform_node_to_local_array(self, xyz: NDArray3float): """ Transforms the global point p to the local coordinate system """ beta = self.beta() return self._transform_node_to_local_array(xyz, beta) def transform_node_from_local_to_local(self, coord_to: CORDx, xyz: NDArray3float) -> NDArray3float: """ Converts an xyz coordinate in an arbitrary system to a different one """ if self.cid == coord_to.cid: return xyz xyz_global = self.transform_node_to_global(xyz) xyz_local = coord_to.transform_node_to_local(xyz_global) return xyz_local def transform_node_from_local_to_local_array(self, coord_to: CORDx, xyz: NDArray3float) -> NDArray3float: """ Converts an xyz coordinate array in an arbitrary system to a different one """ if self.cid == coord_to.cid: return xyz xyz_global = self.transform_node_to_global_array(xyz) xyz_local = coord_to.transform_node_to_local_array(xyz_global) return xyz_local def transform_vector_to_local(self, xyz: NDArray3float) -> NDArray3float: """ see transform_node_to_local, but set the origin to <0, 0, 0> """ beta = self.beta() xyz_coord = xyz @ beta.T xyz_local = self.xyz_to_coord(xyz_coord) return xyz_local def __properties__(self) -> list[str]: """the list of @property attributes""" return ['global_to_local', 'local_to_global'] @property def global_to_local(self): r""" Gets the 3 x 3 global to local transform """ return self.beta().T @property def local_to_global(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Gets the 3 x 3 local to global transform """ return self.beta()
[docs] def beta(self) -> np.ndarray: r""" Gets the 3 x 3 transformation .. math:: [\lambda] = [B_{ij}] """ if self.cid == 0: return np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]], dtype='float64') matrix = np.vstack([self.i, self.j, self.k]) return matrix
[docs] def beta_n(self, n: int) -> np.ndarray: r""" Gets the 3n x 3n transformation .. math:: [\lambda] = [B_{ij}] Example ------- .. math:: [K] = [T]^T [Ke] [T] >>> T = beta_n(1) [a1, a2, a3] [b1, b2, b3] [c1, c2, c3] >>> T2 = beta_n(2) [a1, a2, a3, 0, 0, 0] [b1, b2, b3, 0, 0, 0] [c1, c2, c3, 0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 0, a1, a2, a3] [0, 0, 0, b1, b2, b3] [0, 0, 0, c1, c2, c3] """ assert n < 10, 'n=%r' % n matrix = self.beta() xform = np.zeros((3*n, 3*n), dtype='float64') # transformation matrix for i in range(n): xform[i*3:i*3+3, i*3:i*3+3] = matrix return xform
[docs] def transform_matrix_to_global(self, matrix: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: _check_square(matrix) n = matrix.shape[0] // 3 T = self.beta_n(n) matrix_out = T.T @ matrix @ T return matrix_out
[docs] def transform_matrix_to_global_from_element_coord(self, matrix:np.ndarray, n: int, i:np.ndarray, j:np.ndarray, k:np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: Tlocal = np.vstack([i, j, k]) _check_square(Tlocal) n = matrix.shape[0] // 3 T = self.beta_n(n) @ Tlocal matrix_out = T.T @ matrix @ T return matrix_out
[docs] def repr_fields(self) -> list: return self.raw_fields()
[docs] def move_origin(self, xyz: NDArray3float, maintain_rid: bool=False) -> None: """ Move the coordinate system to a new origin while maintaining the orientation Parameters ---------- xyz : the new origin point to move the coordinate to in the global coordinate system maintain_rid : bool; default=False set the rid to cid=0 if False """ if self.i is None: self.setup() xyz = _fix_xyz_shape(xyz) if self.type in {'CORD2R', 'CORD2C', 'CORD2S'}: self.origin = xyz self.update_e123(maintain_rid=maintain_rid) else: raise RuntimeError('Cannot move %s; cid=%s' % (self.type, self.cid)) self.origin = xyz
[docs] def _check_square(matrix: np.ndarray) -> None: nx, ny = matrix.shape assert nx == ny, f'nx={nx} ny={ny}' assert nx % 3 == 0, f'nx={nx} is not a multiple of 3'
[docs] def _fix_xyz_shape(xyz: NDArray3float, name: str='xyz') -> NDArray3float: """ Checks the shape of a grid point location and fixes it if possible Parameters ---------- xyz : (N, 3) float ndarray the xyz locations name : str; default='xyz' the name in case of an error """ xyz = np.asarray(xyz) if not isinstance(xyz, np.ndarray): msg = '%s must be type ndarray; type=%s' % (name, type(xyz)) raise TypeError(msg) if xyz.shape == (1, 3): xyz.reshape(3, 1) if xyz.shape != (3,): msg = '%s must be 3 by 1 dim\n%s is %s' % (name, name, xyz.shape) raise RuntimeError(msg) return xyz
[docs] def define_spherical_cutting_plane(model: BDF, origin: NDArray3float, rid: int, cids: list[int], thetas: list[float], phis: list[float]): r""" Creates a series of coordinate systems defined as constant origin, with a series of theta and phi angles, which are defined about the aerodynamic axis <1, 0, 0>. This is intended to be with a supersonic mach plane for calculating wave drag where: .. math:: \theta = \mu = \frac{1}{\sqrt(Mach^2 - 1)} .. math:: \phi = [-\pi, \pi] Parameters ---------- model : BDF() a BDF object origin : (3, ) float ndarray defines the location of the origin in the global coordinate frame rid : int the new spherical reference coordinate system id cids : list[int, ...] list of new coordinate system ids thetas : list[float, ...] list of thetas (in radians) phis: list[float, ...] list of phis (in radians) Notes ----- creates 1 CORD2S and ncid CORD2R coordinate systems .. todo:: hasn't been tested... """ if len(cids) != len(thetas): msg = f'len(cids)={len(cids)} len(thetas)={len(thetas)}; must be equal' raise RuntimeError(msg) if len(cids) != len(phis): msg = f'len(cids)={len(cids)} len(phis)={len(phis)}; must be equal' raise RuntimeError(msg) # check for duplicate coords assert rid not in model.coords for cid in cids: assert cid not in model.coords # create the spherical coordinate system origin = _fix_xyz_shape(origin, 'origin') e2 = origin + np.array([0., 0., 1.]) e3 = origin + np.array([1., 0., 0.]) card = ['CORD2S', rid, 0] + list(origin) + list(e2) + list(e3) model.add_card(card, card[0], is_list=True) # create the mach planes for cid, theta, phi in zip(cids, thetas, phis): e2 = [1.0, theta, 0.] e3 = [1.0, theta, phi] card = ['CORD2R', cid, rid] + [0., 0., 0.] + e2 + e3 model.add_card(card, card[0], is_list=True)
[docs] def define_coord_e123(model: BDF, cord2_type: str, cid: int, origin: NDArray3float, rid: int=0, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, zaxis=None, xyplane=None, yzplane=None, xzplane=None, add=True): """ Create a coordinate system based on a defined axis and point on the plane. This is the generalized version of the CORDx card. Parameters ---------- model : BDF() a BDF object cord2_type : str 'CORD2R', 'CORD2C', 'CORD2S' cid : int the new coordinate system id origin : (3,) ndarray defines the location of the origin in the global coordinate frame rid : int; default=0 the new reference coordinate system id xaxis : (3,) ndarray defines the x axis (default=None) yaxis : (3,) ndarray defines the y axis (default=None) zaxis : (3,) ndarray defines the z axis (default=None) add : bool; default=True adds the coordinate system to the model Returns ------- coord : CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S the coordinate system Notes ----- One axis (xaxis, yaxis, zaxis) and one plane (xyplane, yzplane, xz plane) must be defined; the others must be None. The axes and planes are defined in the rid coordinate system .. todo:: hasn't been tested... """ assert cord2_type in ['CORD2R', 'CORD2C', 'CORD2S'], cord2_type origin = _fix_xyz_shape(origin, 'origin') rcoord = model.Coord(rid) # check for overdefined axes if xaxis is not None: assert yaxis is None and zaxis is None, 'yaxis=%s zaxis=%s' % (yaxis, zaxis) xaxis = _fix_xyz_shape(xaxis, 'xaxis') xaxis = rcoord.transform_node_to_global(xaxis) elif yaxis is not None: assert zaxis is None, 'zaxis=%s' % (zaxis) yaxis = _fix_xyz_shape(yaxis, 'yaxis') yaxis = rcoord.transform_node_to_global(yaxis) else: zaxis = _fix_xyz_shape(zaxis, 'zaxis') zaxis = rcoord.transform_node_to_global(zaxis) # check for invalid planes if xyplane is not None: assert yzplane is None and xzplane is None, 'yzplane=%s xzplane=%s' % (yzplane, xzplane) assert xaxis is not None or yaxis is not None, 'xaxis=%s yaxis=%s' % (xaxis, yaxis) xyplane = _fix_xyz_shape(xyplane, 'xyplane') xyplane = rcoord.transform_node_to_global(xyplane) elif yzplane is not None: assert xzplane is None, 'xzplane=%s' % (xzplane) assert yaxis is not None or zaxis is not None, 'yaxis=%s zaxis=%s' % (yaxis, zaxis) yzplane = _fix_xyz_shape(yzplane, 'yzplane') yzplane = rcoord.transform_node_to_global(yzplane) else: assert xaxis is not None or zaxis is not None, 'xaxis=%s zaxis=%s' % (xaxis, zaxis) xzplane = _fix_xyz_shape(xzplane, 'xzplane') xzplane = rcoord.transform_node_to_global(xzplane) if xyplane is not None: if xaxis is not None: i = xaxis / norm(xaxis) khat = np.cross(i, xyplane) # xyplane is "defining" yaxis k = khat / norm(khat) j = np.cross(k, i) elif yaxis is not None: j = yaxis / norm(yaxis) khat = np.cross(xyplane, j) # xyplane is "defining" xaxis k = khat / norm(khat) i = np.cross(j, k) elif yzplane is not None: if yaxis is not None: j = yaxis / norm(yaxis) ihat = np.cross(j, yzplane) # yzplane is "defining" zaxis i = ihat / norm(ihat) k = np.cross(i, j) elif zaxis is not None: k = zaxis / norm(zaxis) ihat = np.cross(yzplane, zaxis) # yzplane is "defining" yaxis i = ihat / norm(ihat) j = np.cross(k, i) elif xzplane is not None: if xaxis is not None: i = xaxis / norm(xaxis) jhat = np.cross(xzplane, i) # xzplane is "defining" zaxis j = jhat / norm(jhat) k = np.cross(i, j) elif zaxis is not None: # standard k = zaxis / norm(zaxis) jhat = np.cross(k, xzplane) # xzplane is "defining" xaxis j = jhat / norm(jhat) i = np.cross(j, k) return define_coord_ijk(model, cord2_type, cid, origin, rid, i, j, k, add=add)
[docs] def define_coord_ijk(model, cord2_type, cid, origin, rid=0, i=None, j=None, k=None, add=True): """ Create a coordinate system based on 2 or 3 perpendicular unit vectors Parameters ---------- model : BDF() a BDF object cord2_type : str 'CORD2R', 'CORD2C', 'CORD2S' cid : int the new coordinate system id origin : (3,) ndarray defines the location of the origin in the global coordinate frame rid : int; default=0 the new reference coordinate system id i : (3,) ndarray defines the i unit vector j : (3,) ndarray defines the j unit vector k : (3,) ndarray defines the k unit vector add : bool; default=True adds the coordinate system to the model Returns ------- coord : CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S the coordinate system """ assert cord2_type in ['CORD2R', 'CORD2C', 'CORD2S'], cord2_type origin = _fix_xyz_shape(origin, 'origin') # create cross vectors if i is None: if j is not None and k is not None: i = np.cross(k, j) else: raise RuntimeError('i, j and k are None') else: # i is defined if j is not None and k is not None: # all 3 vectors are defined pass elif j is None: j = np.cross(k, i) elif k is None: k = np.cross(i, j) else: raise RuntimeError('j or k are None; j=%s k=%s' % (j, k)) # define e1, e2, e3 rcoord = model.Coord(rid, ', which is required to create cid=%s' % cid) e1 = rcoord.transform_node_to_local(origin) e2 = rcoord.transform_node_to_local(origin + k) # point on z axis e3 = rcoord.transform_node_to_local(origin + i) # point on x-z plane / point on x axis card = [cord2_type, cid, rid] + list(e1) + list(e2) + list(e3) origin = e1 zaxis = e2 xzplane = e3 if cord2_type == 'CORD2R': coord = CORD2R(cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid=rid, comment='') elif cord2_type == 'CORD2C': coord = CORD2C(cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid=rid, comment='') elif cord2_type == 'CORD2S': coord = CORD2S(cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid=rid, comment='') else: raise NotImplementedError(card) if add: model._add_methods._add_coord_object(coord) return coord
[docs] class MATCID: """ Initializes the MATCID card Format (alternative 1): +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=======+========+=======+=======+======+======+======+======+ | MATCID | CID | EID1 | EID2 | EID3 | EID4 | EID5 | EID6 | EID7 | +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ | | EID8 | EID9 | -etc- | | | | | | +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ Format (alternative 2): +--------+-------+--------+--------+------+------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=======+========+========+======+======+======+======+======+ | MATCID | CID | EID1 | "THRU" | EID2 | | | | | +--------+-------+--------+--------+------+------+------+------+------+ Format (alternative 3): +--------+-------+--------+--------+-------+------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=======+========+========+=======+======+======+======+======+ | MATCID | CID | EID1 | "THRU" | EID2 | "BY" | N | | | +--------+-------+--------+--------+-------+------+------+------+------+ Format (alternative 4): +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=======+========+=======+=======+======+======+======+======+ | MATCID | CID | "ALL" | | | | | | | +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ .. note :: no type checking """ type = 'MATCID' # Type = 'M' def __init__(self, cid, form: int, eids=None, start: Optional[int] = None, thru: Optional[int] = None, by: Optional[int] = None, comment=''): """ Creates the MATCID card, which defines the Material Coordinate System for Solid Elements -Overrides the material coordinate system for CHEXA, CPENTA, CTETRA, and CPYRAM solid elements when the elements reference a PSOLID property. -Overrides the material coordinate system for CHEXA and CPENTA solid elements when the elements reference a PCOMPS property. -Overrides the material coordinate system for CHEXCZ and CPENTCZ solid elements. Parameters ---------- cid : int coordinate system id form: int integer indicating the format alternative (for reference, see the 4 different formats below) eids : array[int, ...] Array of element identification numbers start: int used in format alternative 2 and 3, indicates starting eID thru : int used in format alternative 2 and 3 by : int used in format alternative 3 comment : str; default='' a comment for the card Format (alternative 1): +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=======+========+=======+=======+======+======+======+======+ | MATCID | CID | EID1 | EID2 | EID3 | EID4 | EID5 | EID6 | EID7 | +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ | | EID8 | EID9 | -etc- | | | | | | +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ Format (alternative 2): +--------+-------+--------+--------+------+------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=======+========+========+======+======+======+======+======+ | MATCID | CID | EID1 | "THRU" | EID2 | | | | | +--------+-------+--------+--------+------+------+------+------+------+ Format (alternative 3): +--------+-------+--------+--------+-------+------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=======+========+========+=======+======+======+======+======+ | MATCID | CID | EID1 | "THRU" | EID2 | "BY" | N | | | +--------+-------+--------+--------+-------+------+------+------+------+ Format (alternative 4): +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=======+========+=======+=======+======+======+======+======+ | MATCID | CID | "ALL" | | | | | | | +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ """ self.cid = cid self.form = form if form == 1: assert eids is not None, f'cid={cid}' assert start is thru is by is None, f'cid={cid}, start={start}, thru={thru}, by={by}' self.eids = eids self.start = self.thru = = None elif form == 2: assert eids is by is None, f'cid={cid}, eids={eids}, by={by}' assert type(start) is int, f'cid={cid}, start={start}' assert type(thru) is int, f'cid={cid}, thru={thru}' self.start = start self.thru = thru self.eids = = None elif form == 3: assert eids is None, f'cid={cid}, eids={eids}' assert type(start) is int, f'cid={cid}, start={start}' assert type(thru) is int, f'cid={cid}, thru={thru}' assert type(by) is int, f'cid={cid}, thru={by}' self.start = start self.thru = thru = by self.eids = None elif form == 4: assert eids is start is by is thru is None, f'cid={cid}, eids={eids}, start={start}, thru={thru}, by={by}' self.eids = self.start = self.thru = = None else: raise RuntimeError(f'Form can only take a value of 1, 2, 3 or 4; form = {form}') self.comment = comment
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): """ Material Coordinate System for Solid Elements -Overrides the material coordinate system for CHEXA, CPENTA, CTETRA, and CPYRAM solid elements when the elements reference a PSOLID property. -Overrides the material coordinate system for CHEXA and CPENTA solid elements when the elements reference a PCOMPS property. -Overrides the material coordinate system for CHEXCZ and CPENTCZ solid elements. Format (alternative 1): +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=======+========+=======+=======+======+======+======+======+ | MATCID | CID | EID1 | EID2 | EID3 | EID4 | EID5 | EID6 | EID7 | +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ | | EID8 | EID9 | -etc- | | | | | | +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ Format (alternative 2): +--------+-------+--------+--------+------+------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=======+========+========+======+======+======+======+======+ | MATCID | CID | EID1 | "THRU" | EID2 | | | | | +--------+-------+--------+--------+------+------+------+------+------+ Format (alternative 3): +--------+-------+--------+--------+-------+------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=======+========+========+=======+======+======+======+======+ | MATCID | CID | EID1 | "THRU" | EID2 | "BY" | N | | | +--------+-------+--------+--------+-------+------+------+------+------+ Format (alternative 4): +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=======+========+=======+=======+======+======+======+======+ | MATCID | CID | "ALL" | | | | | | | +--------+-------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+------+------+ """ #: coordinate system ID cid = integer(card, 1, 'cid') # first field, either "ALL" or an integer (eID1) field2 = integer_or_string(card, 2, 'field2') if type(field2) is str: assert field2 == 'ALL', f'{field2}' form = 4 return cls(cid, form, None, None, None, None, comment=comment) else: assert field2 > 0, f'{field2}' n_fields = len(card) if n_fields > 3: # More than 1 eID referenced field3 = integer_or_string(card, 3, 'pos3') if type(field3) is str: # THRU assert field3 == 'THRU', f'{field3}' start = integer(card, 2, 'start') thru = integer(card, 4, 'thru') assert thru > start, f'start={start}, thru={thru}' if n_fields > 5: # BY form = 3 by = integer(card, 6, 'by') assert by > 0, f'{by}' return cls(cid, form, None, start, thru, by, comment=comment) else: form = 2 return cls(cid, form, None, start, thru, None, comment=comment) else: # Multiple eIDs referenced without using THRU / BY form = 1 eids = np.empty([n_fields - 2], dtype=int) for i in range(2, n_fields): eids[i-2] = integer(card, i, 'eid') return cls(cid, form, eids, None, None, None, comment=comment) else: # Single eID referenced form = 1 eids = np.array([field2], dtype=int) return cls(cid, form, eids, None, None, None, comment=comment)
[docs] def Cid(self) -> int: return self.cid
[docs] def write_card(self, size: int=8, is_double: bool=False) -> str: card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment + print_card_8(card) elif is_double: return self.comment + print_card_double(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs] def write_card_16(self, is_double: bool=False) -> str: """Writes a MATCID card in 16-field format""" card = self.repr_fields() if is_double: return self.comment + print_card_double(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs] def repr_fields(self): return self.raw_fields()
[docs] def raw_fields(self): if self.form == 1: return ['MATCID', self.cid] + list(self.eids) elif self.form == 2: return ['MATCID', self.cid, self.start, 'THRU', self.thru] elif self.form == 3: return ['MATCID', self.cid, self.start, 'THRU', self.thru, 'BY',] elif self.form == 4: return ['MATCID', self.cid, 'ALL'] else: raise RuntimeError(f'cid={self.cid}, form={self.form}')
# Not working def _verify(self, xref): """ Verifies all methods for this object work Parameters ---------- xref : bool has this model been cross referenced """ cid = self.Cid() assert isinstance(cid, integer_types), 'cid=%r' % cid
[docs] class RectangularCoord: """defines common methods for rectangular coordinate systems"""
[docs] @staticmethod def coord_to_xyz(p): """ Returns ------- xyz : (3,) ndarray the point in the local coordinate system """ return p
[docs] @staticmethod def xyz_to_coord(p): """ Returns ------- xyz : (3,) ndarray the delta xyz point in the local coordinate system """ return p
[docs] @staticmethod def coord_to_xyz_array(p): """ Returns ------- xyz : (n, 3) ndarray the point in the local coordinate system """ return p
[docs] @staticmethod def xyz_to_coord_array(p): """ Returns ------- xyz : (n, 3) ndarray the delta xyz point in the local coordinate system """ return p
[docs] def global_to_basic(self, xyz_global): return global_to_basic_rectangular(self, xyz_global, dtype='float64')
[docs] class CylindricalCoord: r""" defines common methods for cylindrical coordinate systems .. math:: r = \sqrt(x^2+y^2) .. math:: \theta = tan^{-1}\left(\frac{y}{x}\right) .. math:: z = z .. math:: x = r cos(\theta) .. math:: y = r sin(\theta) .. math:: z = z .. math:: p = [x,y,z] + e_1 .. _msc: .. seealso:: `MSC Reference Manual (pdf) <`>`_. """
[docs] @staticmethod def coord_to_xyz(p): r""" :: y R | / | / | / theta *------------x .. math:: x = R \cos(\theta) .. math:: y = R \sin(\theta) Returns ------- xyz : (3,) float ndarray the point in the local coordinate system """ R = p[0] theta = radians(p[1]) x = R * cos(theta) y = R * sin(theta) return np.array([x, y, p[2]], dtype='float64')
[docs] @staticmethod def coord_to_xyz_array(p): r""" :: y R | / | / | / theta *------------x .. math:: x = R \cos(\theta) .. math:: y = R \sin(\theta) Returns ------- xyz : (3,) float ndarray the point in the local coordinate system """ return rtz_to_xyz_array(p)
[docs] @staticmethod def coord_to_spherical(rtz): """R-theta-z to rho-theta-phi transform""" r, t, z = rtz rho = (r**2 + z**2)**0.5 #if rho == 0.0: phi = t if rho > 0: theta = np.degrees(acos(z / rho)) else: theta = 0. return np.array([rho, theta, phi], dtype='float64')
[docs] @staticmethod def coord_to_cylindrical(p): return p
[docs] @staticmethod def xyz_to_coord(xyz: NDArray3float): """ Returns ------- xyz : (3,) float ndarray the delta xyz point in the local coordinate system """ (x, y, z) = xyz theta = degrees(atan2(y, x)) R = sqrt(x * x + y * y) return np.array([R, theta, z], dtype='float64')
[docs] @staticmethod def xyz_to_coord_array(p): r""" :: y R | / | / | / theta *------------x .. math:: x = R \cos(\theta) .. math:: y = R \sin(\theta) Returns ------- rtp : (3,) float ndarray the point in the local coordinate system """ return xyz_to_rtz_array(p)
[docs] def global_to_basic(self, xyz_global): return global_to_basic_cylindrical(self, xyz_global, dtype='float64')
[docs] class SphericalCoord: r""" defines common methods for spherical coordinate systems .. math:: r = \rho = \sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2) .. math:: \theta = \cos^{-1}\left(\frac{z}{r}\right) .. math:: \phi = \tan^{-1}\left(\frac{y}{x}\right) .. math:: x = r \sin(\theta)\cos(\phi) .. math:: y = r \sin(\theta)\sin(\phi) .. math:: z = r \cos(\theta) .. math:: p = [x,y,z] .. seealso:: .. seealso:: `MSC Reference Manual (pdf) <`>`_. """
[docs] @staticmethod def xyz_to_coord(p): r""" Returns ------- xyz : (3, ) float ndarray the local XYZ point in the R, \theta, \phi coordinate system """ (x, y, z) = p R = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) phi = degrees(atan2(y, x)) if R > 0: theta = degrees(acos(z / R)) else: theta = 0. return np.array([R, theta, phi], dtype='float64')
[docs] @staticmethod def xyz_to_coord_array(p): r""" Returns ------- xyz : (3, ) float ndarray the local XYZ point in the R, \theta, \phi coordinate system """ return xyz_to_rtp_array(p)
[docs] @staticmethod def coord_to_xyz(p): r""" Returns ------- xyz : (3,) float ndarray the R, \theta, \phi in the local coordinate system """ radius = p[0] theta = radians(p[1]) phi = radians(p[2]) x = radius * sin(theta) * cos(phi) y = radius * sin(theta) * sin(phi) z = radius * cos(theta) return np.array([x, y, z], dtype='float64')
[docs] @staticmethod def coord_to_xyz_array(p): r""" Returns ------- xyz : (3,) float ndarray the R, \theta, \phi in the local coordinate system """ return rtp_to_xyz_array(p)
[docs] @staticmethod def coord_to_spherical(p): return p
[docs] @staticmethod def coord_to_cylindrical(p): """hasn't been tested""" rho, theta, phi = p r, t, z = p rho = (r**2 + z**2)**0.5 thetar = radians(theta) r = rho * sin(thetar) z = rho * cos(thetar) t = phi return np.array([r, t, z], dtype='float64')
[docs] def global_to_basic(self, xyz_global): return global_to_basic_spherical(self, xyz_global, dtype='float64')
[docs] class Cord2x(Coord): """ Parent class for: - CORD2R - CORD2C - CORD2S """ def __init__(self, cid: int, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid: int=0, setup: bool=True, comment: str=''): """ This method emulates the CORD2x card. Parameters ---------- cid : int coord id origin : ndarray/None the origin None -> [0., 0., 0.] zaxis : ndarray/None a point on the z-axis None -> [0., 0., 1.] xzplane : ndarray/None a point on the xz-plane None -> [1., 0., 0.] rid : int; default=0 reference coord id .. note :: no type checking """ assert isinstance(rid, integer_types), 'rid=%r type=%s' % (rid, type(rid)) Coord.__init__(self) if comment: self.comment = comment self.cid = cid self.rid = rid if origin is None: self.e1 = np.array([0., 0., 0.], dtype='float64') else: self.e1 = np.asarray(origin) if zaxis is None: self.e2 = np.array([0., 0., 1.], dtype='float64') else: self.e2 = np.asarray(zaxis) if xzplane is None: self.e3 = np.array([1., 0., 0.], dtype='float64') else: self.e3 = np.asarray(xzplane) self.rid_ref = None # if setup: self._finish_setup() def __deepcopy__(self, memo_dict): if self.type == 'CORD2R': cls = CORD2R elif self.type == 'CORD2C': cls = CORD2C elif self.type == 'CORD2S': cls = CORD2S cid = self.cid origin = copy.deepcopy(self.e1) zaxis = copy.deepcopy(self.e2) xzplane = copy.deepcopy(self.e3) new_coood = cls(cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid=self.rid, setup=True, comment=self.comment) return new_coood
[docs] @classmethod def export_to_hdf5(cls, h5_file, model, cids): """exports the coords in a vectorized way""" comments = [] rid = [] e1 = [] e2 = [] e3 = [] for cid in cids: coord = model.coords[cid] #comments.append(coord.comment) rid.append(coord.rid) e1.append(coord.e1) e2.append(coord.e2) e3.append(coord.e3) #h5_file.create_dataset('_comment', data=comments) h5_file.create_dataset('cid', data=cids) h5_file.create_dataset('rid', data=rid) h5_file.create_dataset('e1', data=e1) h5_file.create_dataset('e2', data=e2) h5_file.create_dataset('e3', data=e3)
[docs] @classmethod def init_from_empty(cls): cid = None e1 = None e2 = None e3 = None rid = 0 return cls(cid, e1, e2, e3, rid, comment='')
[docs] @classmethod def _add(cls, cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid=0, comment=''): assert isinstance(rid, int), rid cid = cid rid = rid if origin is None: e1 = np.array([0., 0., 0.], dtype='float64') else: e1 = np.asarray(origin) if zaxis is None: e2 = np.array([0., 0., 1.], dtype='float64') else: e2 = np.asarray(zaxis) if xzplane is None: e3 = np.array([1., 0., 0.], dtype='float64') else: e3 = np.asarray(xzplane) return cls(cid, e1, e2, e3, rid, comment=comment)
[docs] @classmethod def add_axes(cls, cid: int, rid: int=0, origin=None, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, zaxis=None, xyplane=None, yzplane=None, xzplane=None, comment: str=''): """ Create a coordinate system based on a defined axis and point on the plane. This is the generalized version of the CORD2x card. Parameters ---------- cid : int the new coordinate system id rid : int; default=0 the new reference coordinate system id origin : (3,) ndarray defines the location of the origin in the global coordinate frame xaxis : (3,) ndarray defines the x axis (default=None) yaxis : (3,) ndarray defines the y axis (default=None) zaxis : (3,) ndarray defines the z axis (default=None) Notes ----- One axis (xaxis, yaxis, zaxis) and one plane (xyplane, yzplane, xz plane) must be defined; the others must be None The axes and planes are defined in the rid coordinate system """ coord_type = cls.type[-1] origin, i, j, k = setup_add_axes( cid, coord_type, origin=origin, xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis, zaxis=zaxis, xyplane=xyplane, yzplane=yzplane, xzplane=xzplane) return cls.add_ijk(cid, origin, i, j, k, rid=rid, comment=comment)
#assert cls.type in ['CORD2R', 'CORD2C', 'CORD2S'], cls.type #if origin is None: #origin = np.array([0., 0., 0.], dtype='float64') #else: #origin = _fix_xyz_shape(origin, 'origin') ## check for overdefined axes #if xaxis is not None: #assert yaxis is None and zaxis is None, 'yaxis=%s zaxis=%s' % (yaxis, zaxis) #xaxis = _fix_xyz_shape(xaxis, 'xaxis') #xaxis = cls.coord_to_xyz(xaxis) #elif yaxis is not None: #assert zaxis is None, 'zaxis=%s' % (zaxis) #yaxis = _fix_xyz_shape(yaxis, 'yaxis') #yaxis = cls.coord_to_xyz(yaxis) #else: #zaxis = _fix_xyz_shape(zaxis, 'zaxis') #zaxis = cls.coord_to_xyz(zaxis) ## check for invalid planes #if xyplane is not None: #assert yzplane is None and xzplane is None, 'yzplane=%s xzplane=%s' % (yzplane, xzplane) #assert xaxis is not None or yaxis is not None, 'xaxis=%s yaxis=%s' % (xaxis, yaxis) #xyplane = _fix_xyz_shape(xyplane, 'xyplane') #xyplane = cls.coord_to_xyz(xyplane) #elif yzplane is not None: #assert xzplane is None, 'xzplane=%s' % (xzplane) #assert yaxis is not None or zaxis is not None, 'yaxis=%s zaxis=%s' % (yaxis, zaxis) #yzplane = _fix_xyz_shape(yzplane, 'yzplane') #yzplane = cls.coord_to_xyz(yzplane) #else: #assert xaxis is not None or zaxis is not None, 'xaxis=%s zaxis=%s' % (xaxis, zaxis) #xzplane = _fix_xyz_shape(xzplane, 'xzplane') #xzplane = cls.coord_to_xyz(xzplane) #if xyplane is not None: #if xaxis is not None: #i = xaxis / norm(xaxis) #khat = np.cross(i, xyplane) # xyplane is "defining" yaxis #k = khat / norm(khat) #j = np.cross(k, i) #elif yaxis is not None: #j = yaxis / norm(yaxis) #khat = np.cross(xyplane, j) # xyplane is "defining" xaxis #k = khat / norm(khat) #i = np.cross(j, k) #elif yzplane is not None: #if yaxis is not None: #j = yaxis / norm(yaxis) #ihat = np.cross(j, yzplane) # yzplane is "defining" zaxis #i = ihat / norm(ihat) #k = np.cross(i, j) #elif zaxis is not None: #k = zaxis / norm(zaxis) #ihat = np.cross(yzplane, zaxis) # yzplane is "defining" yaxis #i = ihat / norm(ihat) #j = np.cross(k, i) #elif xzplane is not None: #if xaxis is not None: #i = xaxis / norm(xaxis) #jhat = np.cross(xzplane, i) # xzplane is "defining" zaxis #j = jhat / norm(jhat) #k = np.cross(i, j) #elif zaxis is not None: ## standard #k = zaxis / norm(zaxis) #jhat = np.cross(k, xzplane) # xzplane is "defining" xaxis #j = jhat / norm(jhat) #i = np.cross(j, k) #return cls.add_ijk(cid, origin, i, j, k, rid=rid, comment=comment)
[docs] @classmethod def add_ijk(cls, cid: int, origin=None, i=None, j=None, k=None, rid: int=0, comment: str=''): """ Create a coordinate system based on 2 or 3 perpendicular unit vectors Parameters ---------- cid : int the new coordinate system id origin : (3,) float ndarray defines the location of the origin in the global coordinate frame rid : int; default=0 the new reference coordinate system id i : (3,) float ndarray defines the i unit vector j : (3,) float ndarray defines the j unit vector k : (3,) float ndarray defines the k unit vector """ coord_type = cls.type[-1] origin, e1, e2, e3 = setup_add_ijk(coord_type, origin, i, j, k) return cls(cid, e1, e2, e3, rid=rid, comment=comment)
@classmethod def add_op2_data(cls, data, comment=''): cid = data[0] rid = data[1] e1 = np.array(data[2:5], dtype='float64') e2 = np.array(data[5:8], dtype='float64') e3 = np.array(data[8:11], dtype='float64') assert len(data) == 11, 'data = %s' % (data) return cls(cid, e1, e2, e3, rid=rid, setup=False, comment=comment)
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): """Defines the CORD2x class""" #: coordinate system ID cid = integer(card, 1, 'cid') #: reference coordinate system ID rid = integer_or_blank(card, 2, 'rid', 0) #: origin in a point relative to the rid coordinate system origin = np.array([double_or_blank(card, 3, 'e1x', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 4, 'e1y', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 5, 'e1z', 0.0)], dtype='float64') #: z-axis in a point relative to the rid coordinate system zaxis = np.array([double_or_blank(card, 6, 'e2x', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 7, 'e2y', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 8, 'e2z', 0.0)], dtype='float64') #: a point on the xz-plane relative to the rid coordinate system xzplane = np.array([double_or_blank(card, 9, 'e3x', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 10, 'e3y', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 11, 'e3z', 0.0)], dtype='float64') return cls(cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid=rid, comment=comment)
[docs] def _finish_setup(self): assert len(self.e1) == 3, self.e1 assert len(self.e2) == 3, self.e2 assert len(self.e3) == 3, self.e3 #: the global axes self.i = None self.j = None self.k = None if self.rid == 0: self.is_resolved = True self.setup()
#self.setup_global_cord2x() def _verify(self, xref): """ Verifies all methods for this object work Parameters ---------- xref : bool has this model been cross referenced """ cid = self.Cid() rid = self.Rid() assert isinstance(cid, integer_types), 'cid=%r' % cid assert isinstance(rid, integer_types), 'rid=%r' % rid
[docs] def update(self, unused_nid_map, cid_map): """ maps = { 'node' : nid_map, 'coord' : cid_map, } """ self.cid = cid_map[self.cid] self.rid = cid_map[self.rid]
[docs] def update_e123(self, maintain_rid: bool=False) -> None: """ If you move the coordinate frame, e1, e2, e3 does not update. This updates the coordinate system. Parameters ---------- maintain_rid : bool; default=False set the rid to cid=0 if False """ if maintain_rid: #e1 = self.rid_ref.transform_node_to_global(self.e1) #e2 = self.rid_ref.transform_node_to_global(self.e2) #e3 = self.rid_ref.transform_node_to_global(self.e3) #e12 = e2 - e1 #e13 = e3 - e1 #self.e1 = self.rid_ref.transform_node_to_local(xyz) #self.e2 = self.rid_ref.transform_node_to_local(xyz + e12) #self.e3 = self.rid_ref.transform_node_to_local(xyz + e13) msg = 'this method is very is not that origin?' raise RuntimeError(msg) self.rid = 0 self.rid_ref = None self.rid_trace = [0] #beta = self.beta() #self.e1 = copy.deepcopy(self.origin) #self.e2 = self.origin + beta[2, :] #self.e3 = self.origin + beta[0, :] self.e1 = copy.deepcopy(self.origin) self.e2 = self.origin + self.k self.e3 = self.origin + self.i
[docs] def translate(self, dxyz: NDArray3float) -> None: self.e1 += dxyz self.e2 += dxyz self.e3 += dxyz
[docs] def write_card(self, size: int=8, is_double: bool=False) -> str: card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment + print_card_8(card) elif is_double: return self.comment + print_card_double(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs] def write_card_16(self, is_double: bool=False) -> str: """Writes a CORD2x card in 16-field format""" card = self.repr_fields() if is_double: return self.comment + print_card_double(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model: BDF) -> None: """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object .. warning:: Doesn't set rid to the coordinate system if it's in the global. This isn't a problem. It's meant to speed up the code in order to resolve extra coordinate systems. """ if self.Rid() != 0: msg = ', which is required by %s cid=%s' % (self.type, self.cid) self.rid_ref = model.Coord(self.rid, msg=msg)
[docs] def uncross_reference(self) -> None: """Removes cross-reference links""" if self.rid == 0: return self.rid = self.Rid() self.rid_ref = None
[docs] def Rid(self): """Gets the reference coordinate system self.rid""" if self.rid_ref is not None: return self.rid_ref.cid return self.rid
[docs] class Cord1x(Coord): """ Parent class for: - CORD1R - CORD1C - CORD1S """ rid = 0 # used only for transform to global
[docs] @classmethod def export_to_hdf5(cls, h5_file, model, cids): """exports the coords in a vectorized way""" unused_comments = [] nodes = [] for cid in cids: coord = model.coords[cid] #comments.append(coord.comment) nodes.append([coord.g1, coord.g2, coord.g3]) #h5_file.create_dataset('_comment', data=comments) h5_file.create_dataset('cid', data=cids) h5_file.create_dataset('nodes', data=nodes)
[docs] def Rid(self): """Gets the reference coordinate system self.rid""" return self.rid
def __init__(self, cid, g1, g2, g3, comment=''): """ Initializes the CORD1R, CORD1C, CORD1S card Parameters ---------- cid : int the coordinate id g1, g2, g3 : int grid point 1, 2, 3 comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ Coord.__init__(self) if comment: self.comment = comment #: the coordinate ID self.cid = cid #: a Node at the origin self.g1 = g1 #: a Node on the z-axis self.g2 = g2 #: a Node on the xz-plane self.g3 = g3 self.g1_ref = None self.g2_ref = None self.g3_ref = None
[docs] def validate(self): assert self.g1 != self.g2, str(self) assert self.g1 != self.g3, str(self) assert self.g2 != self.g3, str(self)
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, icard=0, comment=''): """ Parameters ---------- card : BDF() a BDFCard object icard : int the coordinate location on the line (there are possibly 2 coordinates on 1 card) comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ #self.is_resolved = False assert icard in (0, 1), 'icard=%r' % (icard) ncoord = 4 * icard # 0 if the 1st coord, 4 if the 2nd cid = integer(card, 1 + ncoord, 'cid') g1 = integer(card, 2 + ncoord, 'g1') g2 = integer(card, 3 + ncoord, 'g2') g3 = integer(card, 4 + ncoord, 'g3') #self.e1 = None #self.e2 = None #self.e3 = None #self.i = None #self.j = None #self.k = None return cls(cid, g1, g2, g3, comment=comment)
@classmethod def add_op2_data(cls, data, comment=''): cid = data[0] g1 = data[1] g2 = data[2] g3 = data[3] assert len(data) == 4, 'data = %s' % (data) return cls(cid, g1, g2, g3, comment=comment)
[docs] def to_cord2x(self, model, rid=0): """ Converts a coordinate system from a CORD1x to a CORD2x Parameters ---------- model : BDF() a BDF model rid : int; default=0 The relative coordinate system """ rid1 = self.g1_ref.Cp() rid2 = self.g2_ref.Cp() rid3 = self.g2_ref.Cp() # assume the points are in rid p1 = p2 = p3 = # move the nodes in necessary into rid system if rid != rid1: p1 = self.g1_ref.get_position_wrt(model, rid) if rid != rid2: p2 = self.g2_ref.get_position_wrt(model, rid) if rid != rid3: p3 = self.g3_ref.get_position_wrt(model, rid) type1 = self.type.replace('1', '2') #data = [type1, self.cid, rid1, list(p1) + list(p2) + list(p3)] if self.type == 'CORD1R': cls = CORD2R elif self.type == 'CORD1C': cls = CORD2C elif self.type == 'CORD1S': cls = CORD2S else: raise RuntimeError('coordinate type of \n%s is %s' % (str(self), type1)) coord = cls(self.cid, rid=rid1, origin=p1, zaxis=p2, xzplane=p3, comment=self.comment) model.coords[self.cid] = coord return coord
def _verify(self, xref): """ Verifies all methods for this object work Parameters ---------- xref : bool has this model been cross referenced """ cid = self.Cid() assert isinstance(cid, integer_types), 'cid=%r' % cid
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model: BDF) -> None: """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object """ msg = ', which is required by %s cid=%s' % (self.type, self.cid) #: grid point 1 self.g1_ref = model.Node(self.g1, msg=msg) #: grid point 2 self.g2_ref = model.Node(self.g2, msg=msg) #: grid point 3 self.g3_ref = model.Node(self.g3, msg=msg)
[docs] def uncross_reference(self) -> None: """Removes cross-reference links""" self.g1 = self.G1() self.g2 = self.G2() self.g3 = self.G3() self.g1_ref = None self.g2_ref = None self.g3_ref = None
[docs] def setup(self): """ Finds the position of the nodes used define the coordinate system and sets the ijk vectors """ if self.is_resolved: return self.g1_ref.cp_ref.setup() self.g2_ref.cp_ref.setup() self.g3_ref.cp_ref.setup() if self.g1_ref.Cp() not in self.rid_trace: self.rid_trace.append(self.g1_ref.Cp()) if self.g2_ref.Cp() not in self.rid_trace: self.rid_trace.append(self.g2_ref.Cp()) if self.g3_ref.Cp() not in self.rid_trace: self.rid_trace.append(self.g3_ref.Cp()) #: the origin in the local frame self.e1 = self.g1_ref.get_position() #: a point on the z-axis self.e2 = self.g2_ref.get_position() #: a point on the xz-plane self.e3 = self.g3_ref.get_position() # rid is resolved b/c e1, e2, & e3 are in global coordinates self.is_resolved = False #print('setting up cid=%s' % self.cid) # call the Coord class' setup method super(Cord1x, self).setup() self.is_resolved = True
#print('cid=%s rid_trace=%s' % (self.cid, self.rid_trace))
[docs] def G1(self): if isinstance(self.g1, integer_types): return self.g1 return self.g1_ref.nid
[docs] def G2(self): if isinstance(self.g2, integer_types): return self.g2 return self.g2_ref.nid
[docs] def G3(self): if isinstance(self.g3, integer_types): return self.g3 return self.g3_ref.nid
@property def node_ids(self): """Gets the integers for the node [g1,g2,g3]""" grids = [self.G1(), self.G2(), self.G3()] return grids
[docs] def write_card(self, size: int=8, is_double: bool=False) -> str: card = self.repr_fields() return self.comment + print_card_8(card)
[docs] def write_card_16(self, is_double: bool=False) -> str: """Writes a CORD1x card in 16-field format""" card = self.repr_fields() if is_double: return self.comment + print_card_double(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs] class CORD3G(Coord): """ Defines a general coordinate system using three rotational angles as functions of coordinate values in the reference coordinate system. The CORD3G entry is used with the MAT9 entry to orient material principal axes for 3-D composite analysis. +--------+-----+--------+------+----------+----------+----------+--------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +========+=====+========+======+==========+==========+==========+========+ | CORD3G | CID | METHOD | FORM | THETAID1 | THETAID2 | THETAID3 | CIDREF | +--------+-----+--------+------+----------+----------+----------+--------+ | CORD3G | 100 | E313 | EQN | 110 | 111 | 112 | 0 | +--------+-----+--------+------+----------+----------+----------+--------+ """ type = 'CORD3G' def __init__(self, cid, method_es, method_int, form, thetas, rid, comment=''): """ Defines the CORD3G card Parameters ---------- cid : int coordinate system id method_es : str flag for coordinate system type E : Eularian? S : Space? method_int : int 0-1000 E1000 = 'E' + 1000 form : str EQN thetas : list[int] ??? rid : int the referenced coordinate system that defines the system the vectors??? comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ Coord.__init__(self) if comment: self.comment = comment self.cid = cid self.method_es = method_es self.method_int = method_int self.form = form self.thetas = thetas self.rid = rid self.rid_ref = None assert 0 < self.method_int < 1000 assert len(self.thetas) == 3, 'thetas=%s' % (self.thetas) # EQN for DEQATN, TABLE for TABLE3D assert self.form in ['EQN', 'TABLE'], self.form assert self.method_es in ['E', 'S'], self.method_es # Euler / Space-Fixed smethod = str(method_int) assert len(smethod) == 3, f"method='{self.method_es}{method_int}' must be of the form E123 or S123" #@classmethod #def add_op2_data(cls, data, comment=''): #raise NotImplementedError(data)
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): """ Adds a CORD3G card from ``BDF.add_card(...)`` Parameters ---------- card : BDFCard() a BDFCard object comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ cid = integer(card, 1, 'cid') method = string_or_blank(card, 2, 'E313') method_es = method[0] method_int = int(method[1:]) form = string_or_blank(card, 3, 'form', 'EQN') thetas = [integer(card, 4, 'theta1'), integer(card, 5, 'theta2'), integer(card, 6, 'theta3')] rid = integer_or_blank(card, 7, 'cid_ref') assert len(card) <= 8, f'len(CORD3G card) = {len(card):d}\ncard={card}' return CORD3G(cid, method_es, method_int, form, thetas, rid, comment=comment)
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model: BDF) -> None: """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object """ msg = ', which is required by CORD3G cid=%s' % (self.cid) self.rid_ref = model.Coord(self.rid, msg=msg)
[docs] def uncross_reference(self) -> None: """Removes cross-reference links""" self.rid = self.Rid() self.rid_ref = None
[docs] def Rid(self): if self.rid_ref is not None: return self.rid_ref.cid return self.rid
[docs] def coord3g_transform_to_global(self, p): """ Parameters ---------- p : (3,) float ndarray the point to transform .. warning:: not done, just setting up how you'd do this .. note:: per "This means for example that a convention named (YXZ) is the result of performing first an intrinsic Z rotation, followed by X and Y rotations, in the moving axes (Note: the order of multiplication of matrices is the opposite of the order in which they're applied to a vector)." """ if self.method_es == 'E': rotations = [int(i) for i in str(self.method_int)] for (rotation, theta) in zip(rotations, self.thetas): ct = cos(radians(theta)) st = sin(radians(theta)) if rotation == 1: p = self.rotation_x(ct, st) @ p elif rotation == 2: p = self.rotation_y(ct, st) @ p elif rotation == 3: p = self.rotation_z(ct, st) @ p else: raise RuntimeError(f'rotation={rotation!r} rotations={rotations!r} method_int={self.method_int}') elif self.method_es == 'S': raise NotImplementedError("Space-Fixed rotation hasn't been implemented") else: raise RuntimeError('Invalid method; Use Euler or Space-Fixed. ' f'method_es={self.method_es!r}') return p
[docs] def rotation_x(self, ct, st): matrix = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [ct, 0., -st], [-st, 0., ct]]) return matrix
[docs] def rotation_y(self, ct, st): matrix = np.array([[ct, 0., st], [0., 1., 0.], [-st, 0., ct]]) return matrix
[docs] def rotation_z(self, ct, st): matrix = np.array([[ct, st, 0.], [-st, ct, 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) return matrix
[docs] def raw_fields(self): method = self.method_es + str(self.method_int) list_fields = (['CORD3G', self.cid, method, self.form] + self.thetas + [self.Rid()]) return list_fields
[docs] class CORD1R(Cord1x, RectangularCoord): """ Intilizes the CORD1R +-------+------+-----+-----+------+------+-----+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +=======+======+=====+=====+======+======+=====+======+ |CORD1R | CIDA | G1A | G2A | CIDB | G1B | G2B | G3B | +-------+------+-----+-----+------+------+-----+------+ """ type = 'CORD1R' Type = 'R' int_type = 0 def __init__(self, cid, g1, g2, g3, comment=''): """ Creates the CORD1R card, which defines a rectangular coordinate system using 3 GRID points. Parameters ---------- cid : int the coordinate id g1, g2, g3 : int grid point 1, 2, 3 comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ Cord1x.__init__(self, cid, g1, g2, g3, comment=comment)
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['CORD1R', self.cid] + self.node_ids return list_fields
[docs] class CORD1C(Cord1x, CylindricalCoord): """ Intilizes the CORD1C +-------+------+-----+-----+------+------+-----+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +=======+======+=====+=====+======+======+=====+======+ |CORD1C | CIDA | G1A | G2A | CIDB | G1B | G2B | G3B | +-------+------+-----+-----+------+------+-----+------+ """ type = 'CORD1C' Type = 'C' def __init__(self, cid, g1, g2, g3, comment=''): """ Creates the CORD1C card, which defines a cylindrical coordinate system using 3 GRID points. Parameters ---------- cid : int the coordinate id g1, g2, g3 : int grid point 1, 2, 3 comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ Cord1x.__init__(self, cid, g1, g2, g3, comment=comment) #@classmethod #def add_op2_data(cls, data, comment): #self.cid = data[0] #self.g1 = data[1] #self.g2 = data[2] #self.g3 = data[3] #assert len(data) == 4, 'data = %s' % (data) #bbbb
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['CORD1C', self.cid] + self.node_ids return list_fields
[docs] class CORD1S(Cord1x, SphericalCoord): """ Intilizes the CORD1S +-------+------+-----+-----+------+------+-----+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +=======+======+=====+=====+======+======+=====+======+ |CORD1S | CIDA | G1A | G2A | CIDB | G1B | G2B | G3B | +-------+------+-----+-----+------+------+-----+------+ """ type = 'CORD1S' Type = 'S' def __init__(self, cid, g1, g2, g3, comment=''): """ Creates the CORD1S card, which defines a spherical coordinate system using 3 GRID points. Parameters ---------- cid : int the coordinate id g1, g2, g3 : int grid point 1, 2, 3 comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ Cord1x.__init__(self, cid, g1, g2, g3, comment=comment)
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['CORD1S', self.cid] + self.node_ids return list_fields
[docs] class CORD2R(Cord2x, RectangularCoord): """ Intilizes the CORD2R +--------+-----+-----+-----+----+-----+----+----+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +========+=====+=====+=====+====+=====+====+====+ | CORD2R | CID | RID | A1 | A2 | A3 | B1 | B2 | +--------+-----+-----+-----+----+-----+----+----+ | | B3 | C1 | C2 | C3 | | | | +--------+-----+-----+-----+----+-----+----+----+ .. note :: no type checking """ type = 'CORD2R' Type = 'R' def __init__(self, cid: int, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid: int=0, setup: bool=True, comment: str=''): """ Creates the CORD2R card, which defines a rectangular coordinate system using 3 vectors. Parameters ---------- cid : int coordinate system id origin : list[float, float, float] the origin of the coordinate system zaxis : list[float, float, float] the z-axis of the coordinate system xzplane : list[float, float, float] a point on the xz plane rid : int; default=0 the referenced coordinate system that defines the system the vectors comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ Cord2x.__init__(self, cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid=rid, setup=setup, comment=comment) def _verify(self, xref: bool) -> None: """ Verifies all methods for this object work Parameters ---------- xref : bool has this model been cross referenced """ cid = self.Cid() rid = self.Rid() assert isinstance(cid, integer_types), 'cid=%r' % cid assert isinstance(rid, integer_types), 'rid=%r' % rid
[docs] def raw_fields(self): rid = set_blank_if_default(self.Rid(), 0) list_fields = ['CORD2R', self.cid, rid] + list(self.e1) + list( self.e2) + list(self.e3) return list_fields
[docs] class CORD2C(Cord2x, CylindricalCoord): """ Intilizes the CORD2C +--------+-----+-----+-----+----+-----+----+----+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +========+=====+=====+=====+====+=====+====+====+ | CORD2C | CID | RID | A1 | A2 | A3 | B1 | B2 | +--------+-----+-----+-----+----+-----+----+----+ | | B3 | C1 | C2 | C3 | | | | +--------+-----+-----+-----+----+-----+----+----+ """ type = 'CORD2C' Type = 'C' def __init__(self, cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid=0, setup=True, comment=''): """ Creates the CORD2C card, which defines a cylindrical coordinate system using 3 vectors. Parameters ---------- cid : int coordinate system id origin : list[float, float, float] the origin of the coordinate system zaxis : list[float, float, float] the z-axis of the coordinate system xzplane : list[float, float, float] a point on the xz plane rid : int; default=0 the referenced coordinate system that defines the system the vectors comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ Cord2x.__init__(self, cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid, setup=setup, comment=comment)
[docs] def raw_fields(self): rid = set_blank_if_default(self.Rid(), 0) list_fields = (['CORD2C', self.cid, rid] + list(self.e1) + list(self.e2) + list(self.e3)) return list_fields
[docs] class CORD2S(Cord2x, SphericalCoord): """ Intilizes the CORD2S +--------+-----+-----+-----+----+-----+----+----+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +========+=====+=====+=====+====+=====+====+====+ | CORD2S | CID | RID | A1 | A2 | A3 | B1 | B2 | +--------+-----+-----+-----+----+-----+----+----+ | | B3 | C1 | C2 | C3 | | | | +--------+-----+-----+-----+----+-----+----+----+ """ type = 'CORD2S' Type = 'S' def __init__(self, cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid=0, setup=True, comment=''): """ Creates the CORD2C card, which defines a spherical coordinate system using 3 vectors. Parameters ---------- cid : int coordinate system id origin : list[float, float, float] the origin of the coordinate system zaxis : list[float, float, float] the z-axis of the coordinate system xzplane : list[float, float, float] a point on the xz plane rid : int; default=0 the referenced coordinate system that defines the system the vectors comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ Cord2x.__init__(self, cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid, setup=setup, comment=comment)
[docs] def raw_fields(self): rid = set_blank_if_default(self.Rid(), 0) list_fields = (['CORD2S', self.cid, rid] + list(self.e1) + list(self.e2) + list(self.e3)) return list_fields
[docs] def create_coords_along_line(model, p1, p2, percents, cid=0, axis=1): """ Creates a series of coordinate systems Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the model p1 : (3,) float ndarray the start point p2 : (3,) float ndarray the end point percents : (ncoords, ) float ndarray the location of the coords (0. to 1.; inclusive) cid : int; default=0 the reference coordinate system axis : int; default=1 the axis normal to the plane; defines the "x" axis Returns ------- xyz_cid0 : (nnodes, 3) float ndarray the xyz locations the global (basic) coordinate system nid_cp_cd : (nnodes, 3) int ndarray the node_id, cp coord, cd coord icd_transform : ??? a mapping of the cid to nids??? cids : list[int] the created coordinate system ids origins : list[(ox, oy, oz)] the origin of each coordinate system cid_to_inids : dict[cid] -> inids maps the coord id to the index of the nodes along the axis cid : int the coord id inids : (nnodes_in_cid) Warnings -------- - requires at least 1 node """ cid = max(list(model.coords.keys())) + 1 cids = [] origins = [] if axis == 0: # x axis, yz plane z_axisi = [1., 0., 0.] xz_planei = [0., 1., 0.] elif axis == 1: # xz plane, y axis z_axisi = [0., 1., 0.] xz_planei = [0., 0., 1.] elif axis == 2: # xy plane, z axis z_axisi = [0., 0., 1.] xz_planei = [0., 1., 0.] else: raise NotImplementedError(axis) z_axisi = np.array(z_axisi) xz_planei = np.array(xz_planei) for unused_icid, percent in enumerate(percents): origin = percent * p1 + (1-percent) * p2 zaxis = np.array(origin) + z_axisi # let's put the torque down the axis of the wing # (x-axis, but globally the y-axis), so we add a # point in the y-axis xzplane = origin + xz_planei #print('origin = %s' % origin) #print('zaxis = %s' % zaxis) #print('xzplane = %s' % xzplane) unused_coord = model.add_cord2r( cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid=0, comment='') cids.append(cid) origins.append(origin) cid += 1 return cids
[docs] def get_nodes_along_axis_in_coords(model, nids, xyz_cp, icp_transform, cids): """ Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the model nids : (nnodes, ) ndarray the nodes of the model xyz_cp : (nnodes, 3) float ndarray the xyz locations in a representative local coordinate system for example, for cid=0, use xyz_cid0 icp_transform : dict[cp cid] -> inids a mapping of the CP coord to the node indices icd_transform : dict[cd cid] -> inids a mapping of the CD coord to the node indices cids : list[int] the created coordinate system ids Returns ------- #origins : list[(ox, oy, oz)] #the origin of each coordinate system cid_to_inids : dict[cid] -> inids maps the coord id to the index of the nodes along the axis cid : int the coord id inids : (nnodes_in_cid) """ # setup the cutting planes # down the axis from the outboard to the inboard cid_to_inids = {} for icid, cid in enumerate(cids): # 114 cids #origin = origins[icid] #origin = model.coords[cid].origin xyz_cid = model.transform_xyzcp_to_xyz_cid(xyz_cp, nids, icp_transform, cid=cid, in_place=False, atol=1e-6) xvalues_raw = xyz_cid[:, 0] inids = np.where(xvalues_raw <= 0.)[0] cid_to_inids[cid] = inids model.log.debug('nnodes[icid=%3s, cid=%s] = %s' % (icid, cid, len(inids))) return cid_to_inids
[docs] def transform_coords_vectorized(cps_to_check0, icp_transform, nids, xyz_cp, xyz_cid0, xyz_cid0_correct, coords, do_checks): """ Transforms coordinates in a vectorized way Parameters ---------- cps_to_check0 : list[int] the Cps to check icp_transform : dict{int cp : (n,) int ndarray} Dictionary from coordinate id to index of the nodes in ``self.point_ids`` that their input (`CP`) in that coordinate system. nids : (n, ) int ndarray the GRID/SPOINT/EPOINT ids corresponding to xyz_cp xyz_cp : (n, 3) float ndarray points in the CP coordinate system xyz_cid : (n, 3) float ndarray points in the CID coordinate system xyz_cid_correct : (n, 3) float ndarray points in the CID coordinate system unused_in_place : bool, default=False If true the original xyz_cp is modified, otherwise a new one is created. do_checks : bool; default=False internal value for testing True : makes use of xyz_cid_correct False : xyz_cid_correct is unused Returns ------- nids_checked : (nnodes_checked,) int ndarray the node ids that were checked cps_checked : list[int] the Cps that were checked cps_to_check : list[int] the Cps that are unreferenceable given the current information """ cps_to_check = [] cps_checked = [] nids_checked = [] assert len(cps_to_check0) > 0, cps_to_check0 for cp in cps_to_check0: if cp == 0: if 0 in icp_transform: inode = icp_transform[cp] nids_checked.append(nids[inode]) #print(" cp=%s used in a transform (CORD2R)...done" % (cp)) #else: #print(" cp=%s not used in a transform (CORD2R)...done" % (cp)) #print('***nids_checked=%s' % nids[inode]) #xyz_cid0[inode, :] = xyz_cp[inode, :] continue coord = coords[cp] origin = coord.origin if origin is None: # the coord has not been xref'd, so add it to cps_to_check #if self.is_bdf_vectorized: #assert in_place is False, 'in_place=%r must be False for vectorized' % in_place #else: #raise RuntimeError('you must cross-reference the nodes') cps_to_check.append(cp) if cp in icp_transform: inode = icp_transform[cp] xyz_cid0[inode, :] = np.nan #print(" cp=%s used, but not done (%s)..." % (cp, coord.type)) continue cps_checked.append(cp) #is_beta = np.diagonal(beta).min() != 1. #is_origin = np.abs(coord.origin).max() != 0. if cp not in icp_transform: # we may need coordinate system, but it's not explicitly used # in the list of GRID CP coordinate systems #print(" cp=%s not used in a transform (%s)...done" % (cp, coord.type)) continue beta = coord.beta() inode = icp_transform[cp] nids_checked.append(nids[inode]) #print('***nids_checked=%s' % nids[inode]) xyzi = coord.coord_to_xyz_array(xyz_cp[inode, :]) #try: new = xyzi @ beta + origin #except TypeError: #msg = 'Bad Math...\n' #msg += '%s\n' % coord.rstrip() #msg += ' origin = %s\n' % origin #msg += ' i = %s\n' % coord.i #msg += ' j = %s\n' % coord.j #msg += ' k = %s\n' % coord.k #msg += ' beta = \n%s' % beta #self.log.error(msg) #raise xyz_cid0[inode, :] = new if do_checks and not np.array_equal(xyz_cid0_correct[inode, :], new): msg = ('xyz_cid0:\n%s\n' 'xyz_cid0_correct:\n%s\n' 'inode=%s' % (xyz_cid0[inode, :], xyz_cid0_correct[inode, :], inode)) raise ValueError(msg) #elif is_beta: #xyz_cid0[inode, :] = xyzi @ beta #else: #xyz_cid0[inode, :] = xyzi + coord.origin #print('nids_checkedA =', nids_checked) if len(nids_checked) == 0: pass elif len(nids_checked) == 1: nids_checked = nids_checked[0] # this is already sorted because icp_transform is sorted else: nids_checked = np.hstack(nids_checked) nids_checked.sort() assert len(nids_checked) > 0, nids_checked cps_to_check.sort() return nids_checked, cps_checked, cps_to_check
[docs] def setup_add_axes(cid: int, coord_type: str, rid: int=0, origin=None, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, zaxis=None, xyplane=None, yzplane=None, xzplane=None,) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: assert coord_type in ['R', 'C', 'S'], coord_type if origin is None: origin = np.array([0., 0., 0.], dtype='float64') else: origin = _fix_xyz_shape(origin, 'origin') # check for overdefined axes if xaxis is not None: assert yaxis is None and zaxis is None, 'yaxis=%s zaxis=%s' % (yaxis, zaxis) xaxis = _fix_xyz_shape(xaxis, 'xaxis') xaxis = _coord_to_xyz(xaxis, coord_type) elif yaxis is not None: assert zaxis is None, 'zaxis=%s' % (zaxis) yaxis = _fix_xyz_shape(yaxis, 'yaxis') yaxis = _coord_to_xyz(yaxis, coord_type) else: zaxis = _fix_xyz_shape(zaxis, 'zaxis') zaxis = _coord_to_xyz(zaxis, coord_type) # check for invalid planes if xyplane is not None: assert yzplane is None and xzplane is None, 'yzplane=%s xzplane=%s' % (yzplane, xzplane) assert xaxis is not None or yaxis is not None, 'xaxis=%s yaxis=%s' % (xaxis, yaxis) xyplane = _fix_xyz_shape(xyplane, 'xyplane') xyplane = _coord_to_xyz(xyplane, coord_type) elif yzplane is not None: assert xzplane is None, 'xzplane=%s' % (xzplane) assert yaxis is not None or zaxis is not None, 'yaxis=%s zaxis=%s' % (yaxis, zaxis) yzplane = _fix_xyz_shape(yzplane, 'yzplane') yzplane = _coord_to_xyz(yzplane, coord_type) else: assert xaxis is not None or zaxis is not None, 'xaxis=%s zaxis=%s' % (xaxis, zaxis) xzplane = _fix_xyz_shape(xzplane, 'xzplane') xzplane = _coord_to_xyz(xzplane, coord_type) if xyplane is not None: if xaxis is not None: i = xaxis / np.linalg.norm(xaxis) khat = np.cross(i, xyplane) # xyplane is "defining" yaxis k = khat / np.linalg.norm(khat) j = np.cross(k, i) elif yaxis is not None: j = yaxis / np.linalg.norm(yaxis) khat = np.cross(xyplane, j) # xyplane is "defining" xaxis k = khat / np.linalg.norm(khat) i = np.cross(j, k) elif yzplane is not None: if yaxis is not None: j = yaxis / np.linalg.norm(yaxis) ihat = np.cross(j, yzplane) # yzplane is "defining" zaxis i = ihat / np.linalg.norm(ihat) k = np.cross(i, j) elif zaxis is not None: k = zaxis / np.linalg.norm(zaxis) ihat = np.cross(yzplane, zaxis) # yzplane is "defining" yaxis i = ihat / np.linalg.norm(ihat) j = np.cross(k, i) elif xzplane is not None: if xaxis is not None: i = xaxis / np.linalg.norm(xaxis) jhat = np.cross(xzplane, i) # xzplane is "defining" zaxis j = jhat / np.linalg.norm(jhat) k = np.cross(i, j) elif zaxis is not None: # standard k = zaxis / np.linalg.norm(zaxis) jhat = np.cross(k, xzplane) # xzplane is "defining" xaxis j = jhat / np.linalg.norm(jhat) i = np.cross(j, k) return origin, i, j, k
[docs] def setup_add_ijk(coord_type: str, origin=None, i=None, j=None, k=None, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: assert coord_type in ['R', 'C', 'S'], coord_type if origin is None: origin = np.array([0., 0., 0.], dtype='float64') else: origin = _fix_xyz_shape(origin, 'origin') # create cross vectors if i is None: if j is not None and k is not None: i = np.cross(k, j) else: raise RuntimeError('i, j and k are None') else: # i is defined if j is not None and k is not None: # all 3 vectors are defined pass elif j is None: j = np.cross(k, i) elif k is None: k = np.cross(i, j) else: raise RuntimeError(f'j or k are None; j={j} k={k}') if np.abs(k).max() == 0.0 or np.abs(i).max() == 0.0: msg = ( 'coordinate vectors arent perpendicular\n' ' origin = %s\n' ' i = %s\n' ' j = %s\n' ' k = %s\n' % (origin, i, j, k)) raise RuntimeError(msg) # origin e1 = origin # point on z axis e2 = origin + k # point on x-z plane / point on x axis e3 = origin + i return origin, e1, e2, e3
[docs] def _coord_to_xyz(xyz: np.ndarray, coord_type: str) -> np.ndarray: if coord_type == 'R': pass elif coord_type == 'C': xyz = transform_cylindrical_to_rectangular(xyz) elif coord_type == 'S': xyz = transform_spherical_to_rectangular(xyz) else: raise RuntimeError(coord_type) return xyz
[docs] def transform_cylindrical_to_rectangular(rtz: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """vectorized?""" R, t, z = rtz theta = np.radians(t) x = R * np.cos(theta) y = R * np.sin(theta) xyz = np.array([x, y, z], dtype=rtz.dtype) return xyz
[docs] def transform_spherical_to_rectangular(rtp: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """vectorized?""" radius = rtp[0] theta = np.radians(rtp[1]) phi = np.radians(rtp[2]) x = radius * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi) y = radius * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi) z = radius * np.cos(theta) xyz = np.array([x, y, z], dtype=rtp.dtype) return xyz